oneinchpunch / Depositphotos.com
Do you have the TikTok app? If you do – you probably have come across the “Grandkids / Grandparents sleepover” trend.
It’s all about spreading joy, and it’s simple. Get the grandkids together (usually the older ones) and have them show up at their Grandparents house unannounced………and tell them – “we’re all sleeping over”!
In one TikTok video, 12 cousins lined up outside their grandparents’ house. They open the door, and their reaction is priceless! They bring pillows, sleeping bags, dinner and snacks, drinks. AND….they sleepover. They play classic games like Monopoly; Operation; Snakes & Ladders and card games. One particular video has been viewed over 10 million times! Maybe try it this weekend: the Grandkids / Grandparents SLEEPOVER!
Check this out: