Thunder Bay is seeking feedback on Superior North EMS’ assets and services.
The city is in the process of updating its Asset Management Plan.
The plan is a tool that helps the city make informed decisions about infrastructure and service delivery.
As part of this process, the city is running a series of short surveys to gather resident input on various services.
The information is being used to help identify areas for improvement, establish investment priorities, and ensure city services meet the needs of the community.
“Engaging with residents to understand the levels of service they expect from the city’s infrastructure is an important component when developing the Asset Management Plan,” said Project Manager, Amy Coomes. “This feedback allows us to better understand people’s experiences and concerns so we can manage our infrastructure effectively to meet current needs and plan for future requirements.”
The survey is currently open and can be found here, and it will remain open until January 31.
Other surveys related to city services are currently open and will close at the same time.
According to the city, the survey is anonymous and it shouldn’t take more than roughly five to 10 minutes.
For more information or to request an accessible format of the survey reach out to Amy Coomes at