Chiefs and other members of leadership of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation are in Thunder Bay this week for the 41st Keewaywin Conference.
Several items are on the agenda, the biggest being the confirmation of Alvin Fiddler back into the role of Grand Chief.
This comes just a few short months after Derek Fox was ousted from the role following investigations into violations of the NAN Executive Council Code of Conduct.
A call for nominations was put out but Fiddler was the only qualified candidate.
In his remarks to the conference Deputy Grand Chief Victor Linklater acknowledged this time as being a rough period.
“We are looking forward to move on and to work, but it is a shift that is happening. As leaders we’ll have to realize the status quo will be questioned. Our citizens from our nations, our citizens are actually going to be questioning ‘How do we move forward?'”
The confirmation plus a speech from the returning Grand Chief is slated for tomorrow.