4 times a day, Danny brings you “TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD”. Danny shares ‘good news stories’ / ‘feel good stories’…kind of like your ‘daily dose of optimism’. You can hear it weekdays at 6:35am / 9:10am / 1:10pm / 4:35pm.
Here’s one from TODAY:
We go to the TikTok app for this good news story. A woman recently asked MEN to share how special the woman they love is. The responses were pretty cool. There were over 135,000 responses in just a matter of days. Here’s a few:
“She’s that moment of peace – when you pass under a bridge during a thunderstorm – only – this moment never ends”.
“She brings out the little kid in me…she’s my safe place…puts my mind to ease – makes me feel wanted. She’s what “little me” – always wanted”.
“If I had a flower for every time I thought about her – I could walk thru my garden forever”.
“She’s the peace I sought – after spending my entire adult life up to this point – at war. She’s the forgiveness – I never gave myself”.
So – if you’ve ever doubted the existence of true love….those maybe changed your mind. FYI- these responses on TikTok sparked a wave of appreciation from women = with them doing the same!