It can be difficult to prepare nursing students to experience patient care without a live patient to work with.
However Lakehead University has leaped ahead within new technology to get as close to the real thing, a manikin, capable of simulating various health conditions patients could experience.
Lab Coordinator Caroline Sabotig says those conditions such as, LED eyes which react to sound and even blink, and a moving chest to simulate breathing, heartbeats and pulse rates. Going further to better prepare the students even for resuscitation scenarios.
“Another really incredible feature we’re so excited to have here in the sim lab, is the real time feedback for CPR. So it helps our students to have a good idea of if their technique is effective and how they can change that to deliver more effective CPR.”
The models come with a multitude of options, that can also incorporate physical symptoms patients may exhibit, such as burns, amputations and other medical issues.
Lab Coordinator Caroline Sabotig says the one model has opened up potential for students.
“In time we hope to grow our body of simulators and purchase more, at this time all students in our program will get to use this manikin, so we’re super excited for that they’ll all have the chance to use the latest and greatest technology.”
Sabotig notes there are other models out there that simulate pediatric and infant patients which could prepare for other scenarios.
Older models which can do some, but not all, of what the latest CAE simulation manikin can do will still be used to assist students.
The manikin was purchased through a fundraising campaign of $25,000 and has been at the School of Nursing since last fall.