After years of development, Hydro One has now filed an application with the Ontario Energy Board to construct and operate the Waasigan Transmission Line.
Valued at $1.2 billion the line, if approved would be built in two phases.
The first consists of a double circuit 230-kilovolt line from the Lakehead Transformer Station in Shuniah to Atikokan’s Mackenzie Transformer Station, with hopes by the utility to be in service by the end of 2025.
The second is a single circuit 230 kilovolt line from Atikokan to the Dryden Transformer Station, the targeted in service date for that section would be the end of 2027.
Also on board the project are nine First Nations in the area, comprised of Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation, and eight other communities which make up Gwayakocchigewin Limited Partnership.
Partner communities of GLP include:
- Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation
- Lac La Croix First Nation
- Fort William First Nation
- Seine River First Nation
- Lac Seul First Nation
- Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation
- Ojibway Nation of Saugeen
- Migisi Sahgaigan (Eagle Lake First Nation)
Throughout the project’s duration, Hydro One says it will work with Indigenous communities and its construction partner, Valard Construction LP, establishing project values and expectations shared by all involved.
At this time Hydro One is incorporating the feedback it received during the public review period from its draft Environmental Assessment Report, which will be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, for a final review and decision.