Thunder Bay City Council meeting, March 23, 2020 (Screenshot)
City Council was able to power through a few items during the most recent meeting.
During the meeting on March 14th council voted on the following;
- Four new busses. It was noted that this will be the last time that fossil fuel busses will be purchased as their lifespan is approximately eight years. The next time council is asked for new city transportation will likely be for electric busses.
- The cost per unit after taxes and rebates is $199,190.48 with a total project cost of $796,761.91 after taxes and rebates. With councils approval the purchases will be funded through the approved Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) funding application with the COTB portion coming from Provincial Gas Tax Funding.
- Council ratified adding in new parking enforcement officers
- Indoor turf facility remains on hold. The price increased by $8 million, and now rests at $42 million.
The meeting adjourned by 8pm.