City Council voted on sanctions of an At Large Councilor during tonight’s meeting.
Recap: Aldo Ruberto made public comments on social media surrounding an on-going police investigation. They were reported and the Integrity Commissioner investigated. It was deemed that his comments were inappropriate because he is a public figure and the police investigation was still on-going at the time.
It was suggested that the Councilor be deducted up to five days pay and to have a social media policy in place for council members.
Councilors voted on the sanctions against Aldo Ruberto, and it lost in a 5-5 tie as two councilors were absent and the Councilor in question doesn’t vote.
Ruberto will not be sanctioned and will not lose any pay as a result.
Building social media guidelines for councilors was discussed at length.
Mayor Bill Mauro believes that the code of conduct should suffice instead of creating a new guiding document.
In the end, Council voted in favour of creating a social media policy.
Now that the City Clerk’s office has been tasked with developing the new guidelines, Clerk Krista Power said that the Clerks office would conduct surveys and ask questions to Councilors around their concerns, interactions through social media and more.